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Regarding the maintenance and upkeep of bearings

Bearing maintenance needs to pay attention to the following aspects:
- Cleanliness: cleanliness has a greater impact on bearing life and vibration and noise. Before installing the bearing, ensure that the installation surface and installation environment are clean. If there are iron filings, burrs, dust and other foreign objects in the bearing, it will cause noise and vibration when the bearing is running, and even damage the raceway and rolling body. Therefore, the bearing should be cleaned before installation, bearing surface coated with rust preventive oil, must be cleaned carefully with clean gasoline or kerosene, and then coated with clean high-quality or high-speed high-temperature grease before installation. In particular, fully enclosed bearings do not need to be cleaned and refueled.

- Lubrication: Lubrication has a very important impact on the operation and life of the bearing. Pay special attention when choosing grease. Grease is made of base oil, thickener and additive, different types and different grades of the same type of grease performance is very different, the allowable rotation limit is different, must pay attention to the choice. The performance of lubricating grease is mainly determined by the base oil, generally low viscosity base oil is suitable for low temperature and high speed, and high viscosity is suitable for high temperature and high load. Thickener is also related to lubrication performance, thickener water resistance determines the water resistance of grease. In principle, greases of different brands cannot be mixed, and even greases of the same thickener will have bad effects due to different additives.

- Quantity of lubricant: When lubricating bearings, grease is not applied as much as possible. Too much grease in the bearing and bearing chamber will cause excessive mixing of the grease, resulting in extremely high temperatures. The amount of bearing filling lubricant should be filled with 1 / 2 ~ 1 / 3 of the internal space of the bearing, and should be reduced to 1 / 3 at high speed.

- Installation and removal: Do not directly hammer the bearing end face and non-stressed surface during installation, should be pressed block, sleeve or other installation tools to make the bearing uniform force, do not install through the rolling body transmission force. If the installation surface is coated with lubricating oil, it will make the installation more smooth. If the interference is large, the bearing should be heated to 80 ~ 90 ° C in mineral oil and installed as soon as possible, and the oil temperature should be strictly controlled not to exceed 100 ° C to prevent the tempering effect of hardness reduction and affect the size recovery. In the case of difficulties in disassembly, it is recommended to use the removal tool to pull out and carefully pour heat on the inner ring.



Contact: huo sheng

Phone: +8615395302735

Tel: +8615395302735

Email: hlf@anjqbearings.com

Add: . 24, Zone A, Sino French Trade City, Wanzhou District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province, China

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